Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Spider- A Quick Poem

Not sure if I like this but haven't posted in ages so here it is anyway-

The Spider


The hand resembles a Spider,

No, the Spider resembles a hand,

The web on the ceiling grows wider,

So I’ll take it out onto the land,


Every year as it becomes so cold,

The ‘hands’ they seem to multiply,

The ceiling it gives way to the mould,

And I swear the Spiders shall die,


Here they return, back once again,

Sat proudly upon the wind sill,

So I’ll flush them down into the drain,

Yes, I’ve gone in for the kill


The hand resembles a Spider,

No, the Spider resembles a hand,

The Spider returns, the Spider is gone,

But I know it’ll return, it won’t be long,


The hand it’s here, the hand it’s dead,

The Spiders are playing with my head,

But here’s another, here’s a hider,

They always return, especially the Spider,  

My poem ‘The Spider’ was inspired by the poem ‘Toad’ by Norman MacCaig. In ‘Toad’ MacCaig compares a toad to being like a purse and similarily in my poem ‘The Spider’ I compared a spider to being like a hand by using the refrain- ‘The hand resembles a Spider, No, the Spider resembles a hand’. By comparing the Spider to a hand it gives a human type effect to the spider and for the reader makes it recognisable through imagery. For the first three stanza’s I used a simplistic a,b,a,b rhyme scheme that makes the poem flow quite well and reflects the ongoing battle with the spiders that the speaker is facing. As the poem continues the rhyme scheme becomes less planned to reflect the speakers defeated and jumbled nature in the spiders appearing. I also took inspiration from how the poem ‘Toad’ seems to tell a story, with the speaker questioning the Spider as to how it could just appear in the house and then how the speaker takes the spider outside to set it out in front of the stars. In my poem it begins with the speaker noticing the cobwebs and continues to the speaker eventually killing the spiders in a bid to be free from them. When creating the poem I used the device we used in class called the ‘Rhyme-Well’ where I begun by writing a word and expanding out words that rhymed with it, this helped to find rhyming words as I wanted to use rhyme to help make the poem flow. On reflection maybe I would focus on the syllables in each line as some lines are bulkier than others, if I did this and ‘thinned’ it out a little maybe it could flow easier.

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