Friday 3 October 2014

Endless Epidemic- Story Starter

Crows circled the countless corpses that littered the London Streets below. Debris, rubbish and a foul smell polluted the atmosphere that was almost impossible to withstand. Silence, nothing but silence- weeks before the catastrophic events the streets were brilliantly busy with people going about their everyday lives, unaware of how things would change.

Nobody expected how quickly the virus would spread. Now only a few survivors have been left to pick their way through what was left of society, and it wasn’t just Britain- it was the world.

One woman staggered through the streets, her face painting a picture for the devastation that surrounded her. She surveyed the corpses, each a uncomfortable shade of blue, the woman moved her hand to reveal a gaping wound in her side. Falling to the floor the crimson blood spilled out of the woman at an alarming rate. Another death. But that was just normality now.


A Storm was brewing overhead, dark clouds overcame what was left of a blue sky and made thunderous noises from above. The rotting flesh below was met with rainfall a few seconds later. As the rain pelted down on the remains of London a car alarm could be heard in the near distance. Peter Greyson had smashed a car window to retrieve the tins of canned food that were inside, stuffing them into a large grey rucksack. Peter strode back toward an old building, its windows boarded up and its brickwork decaying with the weather. Like most places, it was surrounded with a somewhat moat of corpses though was a safe haven for three survivors, an unimaginable light in this new dark world, for now at least. Peter’s expression resembled that of a hurt man, he was small and young; his greasy brown hair was tied back neatly into a ponytail though his appearance other than that was- messy. A large brown raincoat that was tattered and torn was slung over his skeleton like frame over a collection of other fabrics that showed their age. After spritely jogging up a set of stairs he made his way into a large room where a blonde woman stood hunched over, as if she had the worries of what was left of the world on her shoulders.

‘All I could find’ announced Peter as he slung his bag with the few cans of food in onto the cold and dirty floor. Andrea sighed and grabbed the nearest can to her; she quickly opened it.

‘We don’t know when we’ll find more of those, we should save them’ Peter continued as Andrea finished off the can and threw it to the floor, she collapsed to the floor herself against a wall. Peter slowly walked toward her and sat beside her. Andrea hid her head from him cautiously; desperate to not reveal the single tear that had escaped from her beautifully brown eyes. Peter gradually placed his hand on Andrea’s shoulder, ‘It’ll be okay, I promise- Mark will be back soon- we’ll find somewhere better’ he said slowly before carefully rising to his feet and looking out of the window at the devastation outside.


Mark would never get used to seeing the corpses, it always felt wrong. These people had been alive; they were people he could have met in his day to day life- now they were empty and rotting. He’d always wondered why he hadn’t been affected by the virus, so few people had survived, in the whole of London he’d only met two others and nobody else. Mark slung another decaying body to the side and made his way through the corridors that hopefully lead to a food storage container. Inside the container Mark found even for decomposing bodies among the aisles of perishing food, this was certainly a find though- up to now they’d only been finding a few cans of food here and there- he’d hit the jackpot! His sudden burst of excitement was cut short by the discovery of more putrefying corpses among the cans that were being feasted upon by a few rats, Mark moved away quickly. Now armed with a broom he had found and a scarf around his mouth he prepared himself to knock the corpse off the shelf. It fell to the ground eventually with a large thud and the rats scattered away with haste. Mark eventually brought himself to fill his bag up with the cans, though many were still covered in the red stuff and he hadn’t the stomach to bother cleaning them- instead he threw them to the side.


The rain seemed endless. Clouds above had formed and weren’t leaving anytime soon, to the few Survivors it seemed a faraway dream that they’d see sunny and happy day again. Along the side of the road among the corpses was a crashed car that had smashed into a shops window, it wasn’t just the virus that was killing people. In the last few days people turned to murder as well, avenging past conflicts and taking advantage of a decaying society. Amongst the carnage the army had attempted to protect the citizens from infection, but they soon succumbed to the sickly symptoms themselves.


‘This will last us awhile’ announced Mark as he stood proudly above his morning’s work, around a dozen cans of food; Andrea’s expression remained unimpressed. Peter smiled and gave Mark a condescending pat on the back before moving to a seat.

‘Did you get any closer to the Estate today?’ Questioned Andrea who rose from her seat on the floor, her hand tightened around a picture of an elderly woman in a heart shaped pendant that she held away from her friends.

‘No, the devastation around that part is too built up, I tried Andrea’ said Mark as he turned away from his friend.

‘We have to find her, she was the only person I had, we know your mother died. Just let me find closure myself!’ Andrea sighed and stumbled over, clutching her head, she tumbled to the ground so suddenly. 

‘Are you okay?’ spoke Mark as he knelt down to feel Andrea’s forehead, she was burning up. Mark steadily rose to his feet and quickly backed away from Andrea who was now coughing violently. ‘Andrea, I think you have the virus’ continued Mark.

‘I can’t have, I mean I’ve been in contact with those who had it, it didn’t affect me then- why now?’ Andrea pushed him away from her. Peter took a more cautious approach and sat nearer to his friend.

‘Peter, get away from her- what are you doing?’ Bellowed Mark who pulled Peter’s arm to draw him away from the ailing Andrea who attempted to rise to her feet though fell to the floor suddenly. Peter grabbed Andrea’s hand and then looked toward Mark.

‘We can’t just leave her here.’  Peter was now holding Andrea’s hand tight.

‘We can, do you want to get the virus Peter?’ Shouted an angry Mark.

‘No, she’s our friend Mark! Go without me, I’m staying here’ protested Peter, he strode toward the table and stuffed Mark’s bag with a few cans of food before signalling him to leave.


The rain had stopped, the death had as well. Andrea gazed out of the building’s window with a new found hope; she had overcome an illness suspected to be the virus yet again. Peter called for her from outside the window, he had loaded up a car and the pair were preparing to head out into the city to Andrea’s childhood home. Thoughts of her family had flooded Andrea’s head since the outbreak begun, though she was not especially close with her mother she still cared for her. Mark had left a month ago when Andrea had fallen ill- Peter hoped that he was okay, he seemed the sort that could cope by himself. Peter’s thoughts were halted by Andrea’s arrival in the car and they set off in search of their past, Andrea smiled at the idea of being reunited with her mother.


Sunshine beamed down on the remains of London revealing the full extent of the epidemic that had occurred not long ago. Shattered glass littered the streets like the lives that had been ruined in such a short time. Silence. It seemed peaceful in a way.


Barbed wire fences had been erected outside the vicinity of the Survivors camp. Security lined the gates all hours of the day, complete safety. It was amazing for those entering, what seemed like a world cut off from the devastation outside, a new beginning. An Old woman sat alone in her apartment block, looking out at what was London. In her hand she clutched a heart shaped pendant, holding the image inside of Andrea. Her eyes glistened in the sunlight as she held tightly onto a bottle of water and a can of food, attempting to ignore the loud gunshots that could be heard from outside. She tried her best to ignore the loud noises that had overtaken the silence. This was what the world was like now.

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