Friday 3 October 2014

The Interview- Short Story

Sandra studied the perplexing image on the screen that somehow resembled a computer and a badly drawn brain. The colours were gaudy, she thought it she were to look at it too long she’d be subject to a lengthy and painful migraine. Books were thrown clumsily onto the desk and round circles of where coffee mugs once stood dotted the table. The walls were plain and blank, an occasional pie chart and a torn piece of material that Sandra thought was meant to be a curtain. The Boss entered briskly, his appearance as clumsy as the room and looking like he was on his Year 10 work experience. At this point Sandra considered what she was actually doing there, did she really want the job? Surely she could do better than this pathetic place.

‘Sandra isn’t it. Yes. Ahem, well you’re here on time so that’s a good start!’ Bellowed the bald man who guffawed in a hideous manner. Sandra opened her mouth to speak. ‘Well let me see, erm, we have all the information that we need about you so I suppose I have to ask these questions.’ Interrupted the man. He shuffled between a stack of crumpled paper and picked out a sheet titled ‘Best questions to ask at a job interview’ It had obviously been printed from google. ‘So yeah, well, question one I suppose’ He laughed’ ‘Do they really ask these questions!?’ He laughed again. ‘Okay, What qualifications do you think you have that are,’ He struggled with a word. ‘applikeuble’ He stumbled.

‘Applicable you mean?’ Suggested Sandra.

‘Yeah, Applicable, yeah, hm, applicable to this job!?’

‘Well, I’ Began Sandra though was cut off by the sound of a shouty ringtone coming from the man’s pocket and he quickly shushed her to take the call. She sat in silence as the man giggled and laughed at the imbecile on the other end of the phone. As she sat there several things popped into her head, mainly how could she escape? The phone was thrown back onto the desk and the Boss took his seat again.

‘Where were we…’


‘Oh yes. Go on…?’

‘Well I have A Levels and a degree in Law, in terms of office work I have a grade C in English and a…’

‘Okay, okay, wow, didn’t expect you to go on that much. Tell you what love, my lunch break starts at one o’clock and I’d quite like an extra twenty minutes or so. How about this- you’ve got the job!’ Smiled the man, a creepy and toothless grin that revealed his ugliness to it’s full extent.

Sandra looked at her bag for a second, then around the off-putting office one last time before swiftly standing up and leaving. Slamming the door on her way out.

Notes- Was going for the comedy mainly with this one through description. Enjoyable to write and I hope it's enjoyable to read!

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